Source code for mldas.explore.mapping

__copyright__ = """
Machine Learning for Distributed Acoustic Sensing data (MLDAS)
Copyright (c) 2020, The Regents of the University of California,
through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of
any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.

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NOTICE.  This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department
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__license__ = "Modified BSD license (see LICENSE.txt)"
__maintainer__ = "Vincent Dumont"
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# System
import os
import sys
import glob

# Externals
import numpy
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import transforms
from matplotlib import cm
from PIL import Image

# Local
from .loading import hdf5read, load_model
from ..models import get_model

[docs]def extract_prob_map(data,model,img_size=10,channel_stride=1,sample_stride=10, verbose=False,stage_plot=False,single=False,rgb=False,colormap=None): """ Calculate probability map using fed raw data and training model. Parameters ---------- data : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Input raw measurements extracted from HDF5 file model : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` Trained model img_size : :py:class:`int` Size of squared image channel_stride : :py:class:`int` Sliding interval in channel space sample_stride : :py:class:`int` Sliding interval in sample space verbose : :py:class:`bool` Do verbose stage_plot : :py:class:`bool` Plot intermediate stages Returns ------- prob_array : :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Normalized probability map """ # Set model to evalutation mode model.eval() # Initialize probability map prob_array = numpy.zeros((2,*data.shape)) idxs = numpy.array([[[i,j] for j in range(0,data.shape[1]-img_size+1,sample_stride)] \ for i in range(0,data.shape[0]-img_size+1,channel_stride)]) idxs = idxs.reshape(idxs.shape[0]*idxs.shape[1],2) if verbose: print('Processing %i regions...'%len(idxs)) for k,(i,j) in enumerate(idxs): if verbose and (k+1)%(len(idxs)//10)==0: print('%i%% processed (%i/%i)'%(round((k+1)/len(idxs)*100),k+1,len(idxs))) # Create copy of square data window image = data[i:i+img_size,j:j+img_size].copy() # Normalize data image = (image-image.min())/(image.max()-image.min()) if colormap=='gist_earth': image = cm.gist_earth(image) image = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(image*255)) # Convert data to RGB image if rgb: image = transforms.ToTensor()(image.convert("RGB")).view(1,3,img_size,img_size) else: image = transforms.Compose([transforms.Grayscale(), transforms.ToTensor()])(image).view(1,1,img_size,img_size) # Run trained model to image output = model(image) if single: wave_prob = float(torch.sigmoid(output)) else: # Get probability for each class prob = F.softmax(output,dim=1).topk(2) # Check if label not found assert int(prob[1][0,0]) in [0,1],"Maximum probability class has an unknown label..." # Get surface wave probability wave_prob = 1-float(prob[0][0,0]) if int(prob[1][0,0])==0 else float(prob[0][0,0]) # Increment probability to map prob_array[0,i:i+img_size,j:j+img_size]+=wave_prob # Increment scanning index to map prob_array[1,i:i+img_size,j:j+img_size]+=1 # If frame requested to be plotted if stage_plot: # Ignore divide by zero warning message numpy.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') # Plot data and probability map at current scanning stage plot_frame(i,j,data,im,prob_array[0]/prob_array[1],img_size,wave_prob,n+1) # Return weighted probability for every pixel prob_map = prob_array[0]/prob_array[1] return prob_map[::channel_stride,::sample_stride]
[docs]def minute_prob(data_path,model_file,depth,img_size=200,num_channels=3,num_classes=2,channel_stride=1,sample_stride=10,model_type='resnet',multilabel=False,compact=False): """ Get surface wave probabilities for every consecutive square regions. """ assert num_channels in [1,3], 'Number of channels must be either 1 or 3.' assert num_classes<3, 'More than 2 classes not implemented yet.' data = hdf5read(os.path.expanduser(data_path)) model = get_model(model_type,depth=depth,num_channels=num_channels,num_classes=num_classes) model = load_model(model_file,model) model.eval() idxs = numpy.array([[[i,j] for j in range(0,data.shape[1]-img_size+1,sample_stride)] for i in range(0,data.shape[0]-img_size+1,channel_stride)]) idxs = idxs.reshape(idxs.shape[0]*idxs.shape[1],2) prob_size1 = data.shape[0]-data.shape[0]%channel_stride prob_size2 = data.shape[1]-data.shape[1]%sample_stride prob_array = numpy.zeros((2,prob_size1,prob_size2),dtype=numpy.float16) for (i,j) in idxs: image = data[i:i+img_size,j:j+img_size].copy() image = (image-image.min())/(image.max()-image.min()) image = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(image*255)) if num_channels==1: image = transforms.Compose([transforms.Grayscale(), transforms.ToTensor()])(image).view(1,1,img_size,img_size) if num_channels==3: image = transforms.ToTensor()(image.convert("RGB")).view(1,3,img_size,img_size) output = model(image) if output.dim()==1: wave_prob = torch.sigmoid(output).item() elif output.shape[1]==1: wave_prob = torch.sigmoid(output)[0,0].item() elif multilabel: wave_prob = torch.sigmoid(output)[0,1].item() else: wave_prob = F.softmax(output,dim=1)[0,1].item() # Increment probability to map prob_array[0,i:i+img_size,j:j+img_size]+=wave_prob # Increment scanning index to map prob_array[1,i:i+img_size,j:j+img_size]+=1 probmap = prob_array[0]/prob_array[1] if compact: prob_array = numpy.array([probmap[i,::sample_stride] for i in range(0,probmap.shape[0],channel_stride)]) numpy.savetxt('%s.txt'%(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data_path))[0]),prob_array,fmt='%s') else: numpy.savetxt('%s.txt'%(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(data_path))[0]),probmap,fmt='%s')
[docs]def minute_prob_test(hdf5_file,model_file,depth,img_size=200,model_type='resnet',num_channels=3,num_classes=2,multilabel=False): """ Get surface wave probabilities for every consecutive square regions. """ assert num_channels in [1,3], 'Number of channels must be either 1 or 3.' assert num_classes<3, 'More than 2 classes not implemented yet.' data = hdf5read(os.path.expanduser(hdf5_file)) model = get_model(model_type,depth=depth,num_channels=num_channels,num_classes=num_classes) model = load_model(model_file,model) model.eval() idxs = numpy.array([[[i,j] for j in range(0,data.shape[1]-img_size+1,img_size)] for i in range(0,data.shape[0]-img_size+1,img_size)]) idxs = idxs.reshape(idxs.shape[0]*idxs.shape[1],2) if num_channels==1: imgs = [ transforms.ToTensor()( transforms.Grayscale()( Image.fromarray( numpy.uint8( data[i:i+img_size,j:j+200].copy()*255 ) ) ) ).unsqueeze(0) for i,j in idxs ] ) if num_channels==3: imgs = [ transforms.ToTensor()( Image.fromarray( numpy.uint8( data[i:i+img_size,j:j+200].copy()*255 ) ).convert("RGB") ).unsqueeze(0) for i,j in idxs ] ) output = model(imgs)
# print(output) # if output.dim()==1: # wave_prob = torch.sigmoid(output).item() # elif output.shape[1]==1: # wave_prob = torch.sigmoid(output)[0,0].item() # elif multilabel: # wave_prob = torch.sigmoid(output)[0,1].item() # else: # wave_prob = F.softmax(output,dim=1)[0,1].item() # results.append(wave_prob) # numpy.savetxt('%s.txt'%(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hdf5_file))[0]),results,fmt='%s')