Source code for mldas.explore.stacking

__copyright__ = """
Machine Learning for Distributed Acoustic Sensing data (MLDAS)
Copyright (c) 2020, The Regents of the University of California,
through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of
any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.

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__license__ = "Modified BSD license (see LICENSE.txt)"
__maintainer__ = "Vincent Dumont"
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# Internals
import os
import re

import h5py
import numpy
import hdf5storage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def phase_weight_stack(fpath,idx,weight=False,path=None): fname = re.split('[/.]',fpath)[-2] xcorr = fname.replace('westSac','1minXcorr') # Copy raw data to temporary HDF5 file mat = hdf5storage.loadmat(fpath) data = mat['variable'][0][2][0,0].T if weight: assert os.exists(path), 'Path to probability maps not found.' data = ts_weighting(fname,data,path) f = h5py.File(fname+'.h5','w') f.create_dataset("DataTimeChannel",data=data,dtype="i2") f.close() # Execute cross-correlation using ArrayUDF os.system('mpirun --allow-run-as-root -n 1 /content/ArrayUDF/examples/das/das-fft-full -i %s.h5 -o %s.h5 -g / -t /DataTimeChannel -x /Xcorr'%(fname,xcorr)) # Convert cross-correlated data from h5 to mat format Xcorr2mat(mat,xcorr+'.h5') # Move mat file to xcorr2stack folder os.makedirs('xcorr2stack', exist_ok=True) os.system('mv *.mat xcorr2stack && rm *.h5') # Execute stacking os.makedirs('stack_files', exist_ok=True) os.system('octave -W /content/SCRIPT_run_Stacking.m > out && rm out') # Rename stacking stage results os.system('mv stack_files/Dsi_mstack.mat stack_files/Dsi_mstack_nstack%s.mat'%idx) os.system('mv stack_files/Dsi_pwstack.mat stack_files/Dsi_pwstack_nstack%s.mat'%idx)
[docs]def ts_weighting(fname,data,map_path): probs = numpy.loadtxt('%s/%s.txt'%(map_path,fname)) if len(probs.shape)==1: probs = numpy.array([[[prob]*(data.shape[1]//len(probs)) for prob in probs] \ for i in range(data.shape[0])]).reshape(data.shape) return data * probs
def comp_stack(file_list,output='./'): os.makedirs(output, exist_ok=True)'seaborn') fig,ax = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(20,15),dpi=80) all_data = [] for i,fname in enumerate(file_list): split = re.split('[/.]',fname) f = h5py.File(fname,'r') data = numpy.array(f['data']) f.close() threshold = 5e-2 imin = data.shape[1]//2-500 imax = data.shape[1]//2+500 ax[i,0].imshow(data[:,imin:imax],aspect='auto',cmap='seismic',vmin=-threshold,vmax=threshold) ax[i,0].set_title('/'.join(split[-4:])) all_data.append(data[:,imin:imax]) ax[1,1].imshow(all_data[1]-all_data[0],aspect='auto',cmap='seismic') ax[2,1].imshow(all_data[2]-all_data[0],aspect='auto',cmap='seismic') ax[2,2].imshow(all_data[2]-all_data[1],aspect='auto',cmap='seismic') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output+'/'+split[-2])